Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What is a website?

So why are we in the kitchen?

Well we’re cookin’ up a website today.

 At least once every month I am given the opportunity to present different teleseminars, seminars or webinars on different topics related to Internet marketing to

 various business owners.


The reason I bring this up is because no matter what the topic I am presenting on, I usually get asked the same question over and over. They all want me to "take a look at my site" and then ask "so what do you think?”


Even before you can begin to ask a question like that, you should understand that there are at least three parts to a successful website creation:

  • Design
  • Programming
  • Content

Without all three your website will be an absolute loser to view and use.

And even after you get those elements perfect, no one will visit your site without proper promotion or marketing.  So there are really four parts with the last being website marketing. Websites are like a stool that way, the more legs the stool has the better. If the website has all four components (design, programming, content, and marketing) done (at least to some extent), the better the resulting website will be.

Therefore, to summarize, my website/marketing blogs exist to educate small businesses or startups that you can’t just throw a website up on the internet “on the cheap” and expect a $3000 to $4000 looking website that will attract anything but flies and dust. It is best to prepare well and invest in your online presence. Set up a payment plan if you need to in order to get a good website produced or don’t even bother. Your company will come off looking cheap and unprofessional. Try standing on a one legged stool sometime, then two, then three. Four sturdy legs probably make you feel a whole lot better about your safety.



Before your site is ready to "go live" make sure that you start out on the right “stool”.


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